The manner in which the patriarchy gains power is through violence and the domination of the land and its people. By building relationships with land, people are able to break the hold the patriarchy has on our bodies and minds. This relationship with land can give us the power to transform from within and exist outside the binary world imposed on us by the Patriarchy through community, food, and ceremonial work. The Patriarchy will always be threatened by relationships that people continue to have based on epistemic locality, rather than sameness and control of land.
In My first project, Black And Indigenous Futures, the work established that true liberation and control of our futures is only through the liberation of the land, but that as a collective we must address the trauma that has come from being separated from land while preparing to protect and fight for the land that our bodies, minds, and relationships are tethered to it, thus, “The Future of Black And Indigenous people is one of healing through the land”.